Honestly? I've never particularly been 'good' at getting older. Change and passing time may be two of my least favorite parts of life. Maybe because they are completely out of my control. I can fight it all I want, but there is no possible way to prevent change. . . To stop time.
I don't really feel any different than I did five days ago, that just proves the point C.S. Lewis made:
"Isn't it funny how day by day, nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?..."
So very different.
Although, a few monumental changes have taken place recently, but that's off topic.
--- Back to my birthday.
I was determined to sulk the day away, eating icecream and watching Bones reruns, but my family had a different plan. I'm very blessed to have so many people put effort into making my 20th special and more meaningful than I had requested.
| Firstly, it's tradition to make a birthday breakfast chosen by the. . . birthed. ;)
I chose berry and greek yogurt parfaits. Hannah also made me almond flour chocolate chip cookies. Which is only fitting because I am, after all, the Cookie Monster.
| Next, I was able to spend the entire morning making my tray. It turned out positively splendid. I will have a post dedicated to it coming on July 26th, Lord willing.
Also, I was able to begin my adventure book, which was part of my 20s list. This book will be filled with all of my dreams, traveling expeditions, quotes, poems, and pretty much anything that inspires me.
| Finally, my Little made me change out of my pajamas and curl my hair. Around 4:30pm, I was ordered to wait in the van.
Before I knew it we were on our way to a mysterious destination. Which soon enough revealed itself to be Panda Express. Yumm!
Afterwards, they took me to a dollar theater which was still showing one of my current favorites, Divergent.
| Lastly, on our way home, we stopped at Walmart for ice cream, allowing me to sulk for the last few minutes of my birthday.. ;)
At 11:47pm (the exact moment that marks my 20th year of existence) lying in bed, I told myself happy birthday. All in all, I'd say it was a very good way to turn 20. And for me, that's a big deal.
You're might be curious about gifts.
This year, I didn't have much of an answer to the familiar question concerning my wish list, which was neat because instead, most everyone made me things. I truly value homemade presents much more than those purchased. Also, I received a lot of food. But we won't read into that one. ;)
My best friend Jenny, made me a jar filled with tons of pieces of paper, each had a word or phrase or quote that is significant in our relationship. I've always said she didn't have the best memory, but of course, she accepted the challenge to prove me wrong. She included a small draw string bag filled with sea shells we've collected in the jar. It is our beach, after all.
My Bub made me a beautiful and completely inspiring piece of art for our bedroom wall. It is a homemade arrow with twisted metal that reads 'Arrow Sparks'. The placement and lighting made it impossible to photograph, so you will have to use your imagination. Also, he gave me two note books for drafting blog posts, as well as a bracelet.
I love that guy. Muchly.
My Little put together the entire birthday surprise, paid for my movie ticket, and bought me Chinese. :D Oh, and she bought me a mug and candle for the tray I made.
Phil paid for the gas to get to the movie, earbuds, and dark chocolate covered Acai berries.
Doc and my Sissy made me a precious vest. It's flowy and neutral and perfect.
Sissy also bought me a bottle of pure organic maple syrup and Doc, like previously mentioned, made the Cookie Monster some birthday cookies.
Mrs Cathy bought me all my favorite foods. Peanut butter, dark chocolate chips, greek yogurt, and raspberries.
Momma bought me all of the supplies necessary for my tray, along with a succulent plant in need of naming.
Britt and the kids, made me a dessert pass which will definitely be redeemed and appreciated.
And lastly, the sweetest woman in the world Sarah, sent me an entire package of goodies. Nail polish, anthropology perfume (which smells divine), a bracelet, and a beautifully decorated box of vanishing sugar cookies.
Like I said. All in all. Good day.
In conclusion, I want to thank everyone for the gifts and birthday wishes.
Although I was legitimately nervous about turning 20, it's inevitable and honestly, my fear of aging is a lack of faith in God's perfection. If my mind were ultimately focused on God, the various tasks he has allowed me to work on, conforming my character to be more like His, and glorifying Him with a more joyful countenance, I would desire His will, which obviously includes growing up.
This year, I will challenge myself to grow in thankfulness concerning each element of life, including change.
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