Monday, May 12, 2014

Choosing Light (part two)

Over and over. Day after day. She repeated the same cycle. Seventeen nights pass, though time was nothing at all in this state of complete limbo. True insanity, to think something would change without any alteration to the pattern.
Although, this morning she woke with something on her mind;
" I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." 
Besides this thought, she felt exactly the same. Decisions overwhelming her. Standing, she nears the beautiful and artistic door. The door which inspired her, but still left her empty and fearful. Slowly she walked by each door, examining them closely. Every door different, and only one with light shining from behind.
One door had multiple poems and quotes etched in the wood. There was just enough light shining from the door behind, allowing her to read each writing carefully. The poems stirred her imagination and caused her to think about things differently. This door filled with philosophical musings, was intriguing to say the least, but still felt--empty. 
Again, these words sounded inside her mind, louder than any poem could;
" I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." 
Making a complete circle, she stands before the lit door in awe. It was so mysterious. Still, unable to see if there was any detailing on the door, at least that would give her an idea of what was behind this massive piece of wood. The artistic door was so expressive, then there was the door filled with beautiful and imaginative words. Turning to face each door as she imagined her life behind them. She notices her shadow moving as well. Distracted by the movements of her shadow in the distance, suddenly in hits her. Light. Without the door in which light is pouring out, she would never have been able to see the coloring of the artsy door or read the words on the door, covered in philosophy . Without the light, she would be at a complete loss as to what seperates the doors, one from another. She would have no hope, no choice at all. Yes, those doors are beautiful. But no beauty would be even remotely detectable if it wasn't for light to see. 
All at once, she is filled with surety. With courage. Without a doubt or even a glance behind her, she uses all of the strength contained within her to push open the majestic door. Still not knowing, what lies behind, but trusting the promise-- 

With light, she will never be lost or unsafe. With light there is strength, With light, she is able to see beauty in everything. 

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain." (Philippians 2:13-16 KJV)

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Choosing (part one)

As she wakes, her eyes adjust to the dimness of this curiously shaded room. Usually when one wakes, their eyes alter the exposure according to the morning light. But this was different. 
You know those days, when you've completely lost track of time, due to the rain clouds covering the sun? This room looked very similar to a rainy day, but was strangely dry, the air being crisp and light.
Pulling herself off the ground and trying to steady her dizzy head, she notices a door. This door was beautiful, at least seemingly so, from a distance. But it was also dark. Walking towards the door, so artistically designed, with perfectly stained wood, etched and engraved in the most creative way, and flawlessly worn, she notices her shadow. Knowing that shadows are only made when blocking rays of light, she turns around to discover the source. In doing so, she finds another door directly across from the first. At least she assumed it was a door. The light shining so brightly from behind made it hard to tell exactly. With the previous door, she could see the beautiful architecture, and coloring. But this one was, mysteriously breathtaking. Without even seeing the door itself, it made her feel--safe. 
Wondering what else was in the room, she spins. She is surrounded by doors--all shapes, all sizes. Each, specifically intriguing. Overwhelming her with the decision of which one she will open, knowing, if she were to see inside one door, all of the others would disappear. Filled with fear, she lies back down. Closing her eyes tightly, praying continueosly, drifting off to sleep. Half-heartedly believing the next time she wakes, she'll have to courage to face her decision, and the strength to choose a door. 

>>> Arrow

Friday, May 9, 2014

Kindred Spirits

You know that moment when you meet someone and directly after breaking the awkward silence you've realized you have so much in common with this person, that you two are, in a way, kindred spirits? I know that term may be a tad cliché or even out dated, but let's run with it. 

Talking to this person, you're able to voice your wildest dreams, weird habits, beautiful moments. Being fascinated by their response to your tellings, as well as honored by the fact that they're even interested in your thoughts. On top of all of that, you are just as amazed at their life, the way they look at art, or How they perceive beauty. Maybe it's the way their eyes light up when discussing a traveling experience, or maybe it's the genuine intrest they have in your story, as if you might have actually seen your own lit eyes, reflecting in theirs! I don't know if that even made sense. My point is, I learned something beautiful today. I have a tendency to be slightly reclusive, but the impact this person had---just by listening, truthful being engaged in the conversation, showed me the beauty of people. The joy of discovering a new face. 
Who knows, maybe I'll keep in touch with this spirit, or maybe I'll never even speak to them again. All I know is today, I was inspired. And I thank God for it. 

As my brother has always reminded me, aspire to inspire

Don't miss the beauty, guys. Even if it's hard to find, it's there. 

>>> Arrow

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday?

I've been completely obsessed with lights for the past three years. But then again, I've loved stars my entire life. The twinkle of christmas lights in the dark, reminds me of the glorious stars---makes sense, right? Recently, I've moved into a new home and being the nostalgic, young hearted girl I am, I hate change. But, more on that in a moment.>>>>>

I've noticed christmas lights becoming a new way to decorate any room, making it feel more comfortable. These are a few websites that have DIY ideas, allowing you to put a personal stamp on the way you use lights. Also, the last link shows you a fancier version of christmas lights, designed specifically for indoor decor and giving a whimsical starry feel to your room.

             66 Inspiring ideas for Christmas lights

                                                                       Starry Lights

Anyways, where I'm staying now, I was reluctant to make my home. Until my mom set the bag of lights from my old room in front of me. I avoided hanging them, because I knew exactly what would happen. The moment I plugged in my newly hung lights,  instantly I knew any place can become home. It's not the lights that makes this home, they just make me happy. It's the fact of life never being what you've expected or planned. Life is a crazy adventure made up of small flashes of time. Some painful, others beautiful, maybe a few that are even both, all completely uncontrollable. But you can control how you let them affected you. How you will react.

I chose to hang my lights, and love this moment. This flash of time. Thanking God for the ability to once again find joy from my humble strand of twinkling lights.<<<<<<

"There's no point in consistently worrying about everything. What will happen, will happen regardless. So breathe, look on the bright side, have some laughs, fall in love, accept what you can't change, and carry on. To actually live is courageous. Most people exist, that is all." ~Unknown

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