Friday, August 22, 2014

DIY Hexagon Tray

I can't believe it has actually taken me this long to put this blog post together! I need to get back on top of things, here in the blogosphere.


I'd recently previously completed one of the ten diy projects I wanted to do this summer. Actually, now I've completed three, but those tutorials will come in time. ;)

I'd been needing a tray for our bed because it is a full bunk, and we (my roomie Rae and I) have the top. It turned out perfect. I mean, I'm honestly in love with it.

I used two tutorials. One from AlwaysRooney, where I got the basic idea, and the other off of youtube, that I used to cut an exact hexagon shape. I wasn't able to figure out how Rooney cut her boards to get an equal sided hexagon.

The links are listed below:
AlwaysRooney's Hexagon Tray
Equal Part Hexagon Tutorial

I actually didn't end up taking step by step photos of my process because I forgot. Next time, I hope to do better.

What you need:
-Wooden board measuring 20x20"
-Wooden sticks (I bought two four foot sticks) measuring 2x3/4"
-White Paint
-Wood Stain (Your choice in color, I prefer dark wood so I went with a dark oak)
-Gold acrylic paint
-Two 6" Leather straps (If you want to add the handles like I did)
-Four roofing nails (To attach the straps)
-Painters tape

I used the tutorial attached above to draw by basic shape. Then I had a friend of mine cut it with his chop saw. I wanted to learn how to use a motor saw, but wasn't quite confident enough at the time. I have successfully used one since, though!

We had a hard time figuring out how to make a hexagon shape.
Then we just got distracted.

This is where I needed more photos, but like I said, I forgot.

After cutting the hexagon, my friend cut the sticks down to size. Now this confused me, but I'm going to try and explain it. The ends of each stick have to be cut at an angle, but they will be angled in the opposite direction. One side of the stick longer than the other. The short side measured at 9 7/8" and the longer side at 10 1/2". The shorter side will be facing outward when you glue and nail it in place.
So, when attaching your sticks to the board, you will take one stick and line the long side, flush with a corner of your board. The other side will pass your next corner, then you slide your next stick under, lining it up with the corner. Continue doing this with all six pieces, until the last stick over laps the starting point.

I know that probably didn't make any sense, but once you're actually holding the cut pieces, you'll understand.. Hopefully.

For the handles, I just nailed the leather where I wanted them to be. That was simple.

Ignore the foot.
Hey! I said ignore it!

To tape off where I wanted the white lines to be, I drew a line down the middle and made each side of the arrow meet at the line. You really just have to eye it.
Then, I stained all around the tape. Retaped it. Painted inside that tape with white. Retaped it and painted thin gold lines beside a few of the white stripes.

And there it is!
I see a few things I could do differently, but for my first wooden project, I think it turned out splendid.

I really like it. Obviously.. 

Give it a shot! It's a good beginners project and feel free to comment with questions.

Until Next time.

>>> Arrow

Saturday, August 2, 2014


I will forever be dumbfounded by the vast and unfailing grace of my saviour.

These verses have strengthened me in many ways. I pray it encourages you as well.

"O love the Lord, all ye his saints: for the Lord preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. (Psalms 31:23-24 KJV)"

May The Lord bless you with peace and conviction this coming Sabbath day, and may you courageously glorify Him throughout the next week. 

>>> Arrow 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Outfit of the Day

I don't usually do these type of posts, but I really enjoy looking at them, so I guess I'll give it a shot.

I have somewhat different views than most concerning dress and 'modesty', which use to make it difficult for me to express my personality.

As I've grown in Christ and learned more about the way He has commanded me as a woman to present myself, I've been able to become more creative with my style.

I hope my ensemble inspires you to think outside of the box, while keeping your main purpose of dress pleasing to our Creator.

This outfit I put together was extremely simple and inexpensive. It's a win, win. :)

The vest is my favorite go to piece to completing any outfit. I found it on sale at Dillard's. I wouldn't normally pay as much as I did, but I'd been wanting one for so long, and trust you me, I get my money's worth out of it. 

The dress was a resale shop find that my sister found. It's basic and brown. Obviously. 
Around $7

The backpack was a steal, and I use it daily. 
$5 at Rue21 

The necklace is one of my absolute favorites, I wear it with nearly everything. I like its simplicity. 
$2.50 at Forever21

My sandals are from Walmart. I usually hate buying clothes or shoes from there, but these were exactly what I was looking for. And they seem to be holding up very well. 

My glasses are from Walmart as well, but I don't mind that because I'm horribly irresponsible when it comes to sunglasses. So when I break, lose, or scratch them, I simply buy a new pair, identical to the last. 

That's it!  

Have a blessed day, friends. 

>>> Arrow

Friday, July 18, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday

I've got to come up with a better title for these posts. .

Recently I've been completely in awe of time and the night sky in relation to eachother. Questioning the meaning. The reason behind our orbiting earth. I, more or less, will be rambling bits and pieces of my thoughts on the matter, in which case, there will most likely not be a clear conclusion. My sissy calls it an unresolved way of writing and quite frankly, they bug her to death.

In this season of my life, I have very little control. Which is extremely different from the life I led previously. God is teaching me something that I'm not able to put my finger on yet. I go from trying to control my every action vehemently, to wondering what meager effect those actions will have on the world. 

Bare with me. I know and adamantly believe our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, (here comes the but, don't take it the wrong way) but how exactly am I able to do that?
I'm quite sure I will not be able to sum up an answer to that question in this one post, although, that won't stop me from trying. 

Who am I? When considering all of time and space and eternity and existence and all of those allusive words filled with weighty concepts. . Who am I?

I am a tall, awkward, cookie monster, who hates mornings and crying, but that's not relevant. 

I am a planner. I make lists daily. I schedule what I'd like to learn and I attempt to micromanage the things under my control to the point of earning the nickname Nazi from my sister. It's a joke of course, but you get the idea. 

I worry. I try to hide the fact, but those close to me know it best. I can make myself sick by worrying.  

I hate the idea of time passing continuously, with it's indifference to what I do with it. 

I love the stars. 

The universe is massive. The stars burn, the planets orbit within our solar system. Beyond that, there are estimated to be billions of galaxies, filled with numerous astronomical scenes. Considering the magnitude of the heavens, who am I?

Psalms 8: 3-4
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

In the grand scheme of things, we are minuscule. . I am minuscule. Still 'He', the maker of the burning night sky, the author of each word which flows from the lips of the mortal, is mindful. Mindful of me.

My life has been purchased, which means I no longer 'own' it, I merely care for the mortal body and its actions. As a servant, my agenda is, joyful obedience to God's will. There is a fascinating analogy I heard recently, "we are suppose to be light, light comparable to that of moons, reflecting the sun".

I think there is a balance. We know that each decision we make will affect something. Each of our thoughts, our actions, determine who we are and what legacy we will leave behind. We will always have the ability to learn and grow our character, conforming it to The Word. We can find comfort in that fact, knowing we will not be useless. But to worry about the passing of time, will not affect its persistence to pass . Our worry is meaningless, not to mention a waste of the time so valued by the controlling, like myself. We as the creation, will never fully understand 'time', but it has been loaned to us-- whether or not to use it faithfully, equally diligent in the small things and peacefully resting in God's promises, is our decision.


The stars continue to burn, and time will remain incomprehensible to us.

Just a thought. . .


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My 20th. A Semi Celebratory Occasion

I turned 20 on the tenth of July, 2014. 

There it is. I said it. 

Honestly? I've never particularly been 'good' at getting older. Change and passing time may be two of my least favorite parts of life. Maybe because they are completely out of my control. I can fight it all I want, but there is no possible way to prevent change. . . To stop time. 

I don't really feel any different than I did five days ago, that just proves the point C.S. Lewis made: 

"Isn't it funny how day by day, nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?..."

So very different. 

Although, a few monumental changes have taken place recently, but that's off topic. 

--- Back to my birthday.

I was determined to sulk the day away, eating icecream and watching Bones reruns, but my family had a different plan. I'm very blessed to have so many people put effort into making my 20th special and more meaningful than I had requested. 

  | Firstly, it's tradition to make a birthday breakfast chosen by the. . . birthed. ;)
I chose berry and greek yogurt parfaits. Hannah also made me almond flour chocolate chip cookies. Which is only fitting because I am, after all, the Cookie Monster. 

  | Next, I was able to spend the entire morning making my tray. It turned out positively splendid. I will have a post dedicated to it coming on July 26th, Lord willing. 

 Also, I was able to begin my adventure book, which was part of my 20s list. This book will be filled with all of my dreams, traveling expeditions, quotes, poems, and pretty much anything that inspires me.

  | Finally, my Little made me change out of my pajamas and curl my hair. Around 4:30pm, I was ordered to wait in the van. 

Before I knew it we were on our way to a mysterious destination. Which soon enough revealed itself to be Panda Express. Yumm! 

Afterwards, they took me to a dollar theater which was still showing one of my current favorites, Divergent. 

  | Lastly, on our way home, we stopped at Walmart for ice cream, allowing me to sulk for the last few minutes of my birthday.. ;)

At 11:47pm (the exact moment that marks my 20th year of existence) lying in bed, I told myself happy birthday. All in all, I'd say it was a very good way to turn 20. And for me, that's a big deal. 

You're might be curious about gifts. 

This year, I didn't have much of an answer to the familiar question concerning my wish list, which was neat because instead, most everyone made me things. I truly value homemade presents much more than those purchased. Also, I received a lot of food. But we won't read into that one. ;)

My best friend Jenny, made me a jar filled with tons of pieces of paper, each had a word or phrase or quote that is significant in our relationship. I've always said she didn't have the best memory, but of course, she accepted the challenge to prove me wrong. She included a small draw string bag filled with sea shells we've collected in the jar. It is our beach, after all. 

My Bub made me a beautiful and completely inspiring piece of art for our bedroom wall. It is a homemade arrow with twisted metal that reads 'Arrow Sparks'. The placement and lighting made it impossible to photograph, so you will have to use your imagination. Also, he gave me two note books for drafting blog posts, as well as a bracelet. 

I love that guy. Muchly

My Little put together the entire birthday surprise, paid for my movie ticket, and bought me Chinese. :D Oh, and she bought me a mug and candle for the tray I made. 

Phil paid for the gas to get to the movie, earbuds, and dark chocolate covered Acai berries.

Doc and my Sissy made me a precious vest. It's flowy and neutral and perfect. 

Sissy also bought me a bottle of pure organic maple syrup and Doc, like previously mentioned, made the Cookie Monster some birthday cookies.  

Mrs Cathy bought me all my favorite foods. Peanut butter, dark chocolate chips, greek yogurt, and raspberries. 

Momma bought me all of the supplies necessary for my tray, along with a succulent plant in need of naming. 

Britt and the kids, made me a dessert pass which will definitely be redeemed and appreciated. 

And lastly, the sweetest woman in the world Sarah, sent me an entire package of goodies. Nail polish, anthropology perfume (which smells divine), a bracelet, and a beautifully decorated box of vanishing sugar cookies.

Like I said. All in all. Good day. 

In conclusion, I want to thank everyone for the gifts and birthday wishes.
Although I was legitimately nervous about turning 20, it's inevitable and honestly, my fear of aging is a lack of faith in God's perfection. If my mind were ultimately focused on God, the various tasks he has allowed me to work on, conforming my character to be more like His, and glorifying Him with a more joyful countenance, I would desire His will, which obviously includes growing up. 

This year, I will challenge myself to grow in thankfulness concerning each element of life, including change. 

>>> Arrow

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Cliché Concept

Home again, home again, jiggady jig.
Corny right?
I know. 
But it's the first thing I though when pulling into the drive way. Seems it isn't just his brown eyes I inherited, but also a few lame phrases, which oddly, I never thought were silly until now. 

My sister turned off the car and we all just sat there. Silent. Slowly, my urgent hunger turned into this indescribable stomach pang, that I had hoped never to feel again. 
As I walked through the door, the humid smell of dirt that I so often loathed, greeted me. But this time, I didn't mind it. Maybe it was because I knew I wouldn't be responsible for cleaning the carpet, or maybe I genuinely missed it.

I begin to scan the house. Glancing to the left, on an old wooden purse rack, was a dried flower crown, made with clover blooms that I had tied together a few months back.
Right before everything changed. 

The pang went deeper--- further than welcomed. 

I swallowed my thoughts and made a joke. If they could be strong, so can I. It seems joking about the situation, doesn't leave people with such a loss for words. They shouldn't have to be as uncomfortable as I feel.

Room by room, I sorted through my belongings, boxing up what was coming with us, and leaving what seemed of little value to me now. Although, I've become easily distracted, I managed to get through the majority of my things. The value of my stuff decreasing by a ridiculous amount, with each glance.

Finally I made it to my closet. Caring less about my shoes or any article of clothing for that matter, I looked up and towards the right. All of my old toys lay untouched in such a perfectly unorganized fashion. I reached for a stuffed horse that is dangling over the shelf. It was one of my childhood favorites. Intentionally, I decided to visit memory lane (such a bad idea). I laid myself down on the bed, grabbing two other large stuffed animals from my past and started to reminisce.

My eyes began to sting as tears welled up, making everything appear foggy.


So many distinct memories painted nostalgically in my mind, taking place in every single inch of my home.

You know, when you look up, right at that point where the wall meets the ceiling and on one wall there is the cheesy wall paper, the other, chipped paint and cobwebs? Scanning the entire room, staying horizontal with that familiar place between wall and ceiling. It almost seems the same. Like nothing had ever happened. But if you begin to lower your gaze, running down the walls, you see the chaos, and all at once, you remember.

How is it that I wanted more than anything to stay at that place? The longer I set still, the more I couldn't imagine leaving. I'd never been more torn in my life. Between heart and mind. This home, so perfectly imperfect.
The counter, worn and crooked, the refrigerator, making it's awful squeaking noise. The noise that accompanied the majority of my life's decisions-- because against it, was my favorite place to sit and think.

All at once, surrounding me were these moments or minor details that I never would've valued unless they were taken away. 
Why is it, that the only way we truly see worth in our little meaningless moments, is after something tragic happens?

It's gone.

All of it. 

No matter how tight the grip I hold on the past, things change.

My memories are like the sand, being washed away by the changing tide, they still exist, they're just no longer on the shore line, staring me in the face.

Maybe that's cliché, but honestly. I don't care.

Valuing life doesn't come naturally, it takes deliberate work, it's hard, and easily forgotten. But very much worth the effort. And I choose to value, even the smallest of thoughts, even the cliché type. 

>>> Arrow

Monday, May 12, 2014

Choosing Light (part two)

Over and over. Day after day. She repeated the same cycle. Seventeen nights pass, though time was nothing at all in this state of complete limbo. True insanity, to think something would change without any alteration to the pattern.
Although, this morning she woke with something on her mind;
" I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." 
Besides this thought, she felt exactly the same. Decisions overwhelming her. Standing, she nears the beautiful and artistic door. The door which inspired her, but still left her empty and fearful. Slowly she walked by each door, examining them closely. Every door different, and only one with light shining from behind.
One door had multiple poems and quotes etched in the wood. There was just enough light shining from the door behind, allowing her to read each writing carefully. The poems stirred her imagination and caused her to think about things differently. This door filled with philosophical musings, was intriguing to say the least, but still felt--empty. 
Again, these words sounded inside her mind, louder than any poem could;
" I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." 
Making a complete circle, she stands before the lit door in awe. It was so mysterious. Still, unable to see if there was any detailing on the door, at least that would give her an idea of what was behind this massive piece of wood. The artistic door was so expressive, then there was the door filled with beautiful and imaginative words. Turning to face each door as she imagined her life behind them. She notices her shadow moving as well. Distracted by the movements of her shadow in the distance, suddenly in hits her. Light. Without the door in which light is pouring out, she would never have been able to see the coloring of the artsy door or read the words on the door, covered in philosophy . Without the light, she would be at a complete loss as to what seperates the doors, one from another. She would have no hope, no choice at all. Yes, those doors are beautiful. But no beauty would be even remotely detectable if it wasn't for light to see. 
All at once, she is filled with surety. With courage. Without a doubt or even a glance behind her, she uses all of the strength contained within her to push open the majestic door. Still not knowing, what lies behind, but trusting the promise-- 

With light, she will never be lost or unsafe. With light there is strength, With light, she is able to see beauty in everything. 

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain." (Philippians 2:13-16 KJV)

>>> Arrow

Choosing (part one)

As she wakes, her eyes adjust to the dimness of this curiously shaded room. Usually when one wakes, their eyes alter the exposure according to the morning light. But this was different. 
You know those days, when you've completely lost track of time, due to the rain clouds covering the sun? This room looked very similar to a rainy day, but was strangely dry, the air being crisp and light.
Pulling herself off the ground and trying to steady her dizzy head, she notices a door. This door was beautiful, at least seemingly so, from a distance. But it was also dark. Walking towards the door, so artistically designed, with perfectly stained wood, etched and engraved in the most creative way, and flawlessly worn, she notices her shadow. Knowing that shadows are only made when blocking rays of light, she turns around to discover the source. In doing so, she finds another door directly across from the first. At least she assumed it was a door. The light shining so brightly from behind made it hard to tell exactly. With the previous door, she could see the beautiful architecture, and coloring. But this one was, mysteriously breathtaking. Without even seeing the door itself, it made her feel--safe. 
Wondering what else was in the room, she spins. She is surrounded by doors--all shapes, all sizes. Each, specifically intriguing. Overwhelming her with the decision of which one she will open, knowing, if she were to see inside one door, all of the others would disappear. Filled with fear, she lies back down. Closing her eyes tightly, praying continueosly, drifting off to sleep. Half-heartedly believing the next time she wakes, she'll have to courage to face her decision, and the strength to choose a door. 

>>> Arrow

Friday, May 9, 2014

Kindred Spirits

You know that moment when you meet someone and directly after breaking the awkward silence you've realized you have so much in common with this person, that you two are, in a way, kindred spirits? I know that term may be a tad cliché or even out dated, but let's run with it. 

Talking to this person, you're able to voice your wildest dreams, weird habits, beautiful moments. Being fascinated by their response to your tellings, as well as honored by the fact that they're even interested in your thoughts. On top of all of that, you are just as amazed at their life, the way they look at art, or How they perceive beauty. Maybe it's the way their eyes light up when discussing a traveling experience, or maybe it's the genuine intrest they have in your story, as if you might have actually seen your own lit eyes, reflecting in theirs! I don't know if that even made sense. My point is, I learned something beautiful today. I have a tendency to be slightly reclusive, but the impact this person had---just by listening, truthful being engaged in the conversation, showed me the beauty of people. The joy of discovering a new face. 
Who knows, maybe I'll keep in touch with this spirit, or maybe I'll never even speak to them again. All I know is today, I was inspired. And I thank God for it. 

As my brother has always reminded me, aspire to inspire

Don't miss the beauty, guys. Even if it's hard to find, it's there. 

>>> Arrow

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday?

I've been completely obsessed with lights for the past three years. But then again, I've loved stars my entire life. The twinkle of christmas lights in the dark, reminds me of the glorious stars---makes sense, right? Recently, I've moved into a new home and being the nostalgic, young hearted girl I am, I hate change. But, more on that in a moment.>>>>>

I've noticed christmas lights becoming a new way to decorate any room, making it feel more comfortable. These are a few websites that have DIY ideas, allowing you to put a personal stamp on the way you use lights. Also, the last link shows you a fancier version of christmas lights, designed specifically for indoor decor and giving a whimsical starry feel to your room.

             66 Inspiring ideas for Christmas lights

                                                                       Starry Lights

Anyways, where I'm staying now, I was reluctant to make my home. Until my mom set the bag of lights from my old room in front of me. I avoided hanging them, because I knew exactly what would happen. The moment I plugged in my newly hung lights,  instantly I knew any place can become home. It's not the lights that makes this home, they just make me happy. It's the fact of life never being what you've expected or planned. Life is a crazy adventure made up of small flashes of time. Some painful, others beautiful, maybe a few that are even both, all completely uncontrollable. But you can control how you let them affected you. How you will react.

I chose to hang my lights, and love this moment. This flash of time. Thanking God for the ability to once again find joy from my humble strand of twinkling lights.<<<<<<

"There's no point in consistently worrying about everything. What will happen, will happen regardless. So breathe, look on the bright side, have some laughs, fall in love, accept what you can't change, and carry on. To actually live is courageous. Most people exist, that is all." ~Unknown

>>> Arrow